Gain the best women massage by looking at how the potli massage works and its extreme benefits. Discover the techniques of potli massage as well by reading this article.
What is The Potli Massage?
Potli massage or Kizhi is a great massage that is used to treat extreme body pain. Potli massage is none like the other kinds of massage that you would consider because of its extreme benefits given to the person. This massage is one and unique because it aims to reduce pain at once. This is the best kind of Women massage at home as it rises in popularity as well as does the job perfectly of removing pain.
What Does The Potli Massage Contain?
The potli massage started in India and it is still practiced widely throughout. It is spread to all different areas such as South East Asia and it is known to be a natural cure. This Women massage contains herbal ingredients and uses heated herbal pouches, which are known as potlis. The herbs are fresh and dried and they are chosen by looking at Ayurveda which is an old medical tradition.
The Different Types of Potli Massage
The massage can be wet and try both. They pack all of the herbs and then set dip them into warm medicated oil which is known as the wet massage. They can also dip it in sand or some herbal powder which is known as the dry massage. This is then applied to any pressure points on the body which aims to help heal the body. This is done because there is higher blood circulation which promotes higher recovery at a faster rate.
The Benefits of Potli Massage
There are tons of different benefits that are granted when you go for potli massage. People can easily get Salon services at home and by choosing this, it is important for you to gather a better massage therapy at your comforting home. Some of the benefits that the potli massage includes are that it helps with fast recovery. It is used on those parts of the body where there is intense pain and through herbs and special techniques.
Moreover, this kind of Women massage also makes the skin feel supple and leaves it soft and moisturized. There are tons of different herbs that are used which carry immense benefits. Hence, you will feel like your skin is fresh and it also slows down aging.
Another benefit of the potli massage is that you will be able to get rid of all toxins from the skin. This is extremely vital because the harmful toxins can cause skin damage and create pimples as well. Hence, through this massage, you will be able to get rich skin, get a cure for your intense pain and also slow down aging.
The Different Herbs Used
The herbs are usually mixed and matched according to what is needed. There are tons of things that are used such as mustard and neem, turmeric and ginger, rosemary and rice as well as aloe vera and onion. The ingredients are matched so that it is according to your skin and also according to the type of pain you have. Hence, you should get this women massage whenever you feel intense pain.
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