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7 Vitamin C Serums That Will Brighten Your Skin And Help Fade Dark Spots

  Vitamin C has become a powerhouse ingredient for facial and nail care in the world of skincare, lauded for its ability to transform the complexion and address various skin concerns. As a potent antioxidant, vitamin C neutralizes free radicals, boosts collagen production, and inhibits melanin production, making it a star player in brightening the skin and fading dark spots. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore seven top-rated vitamin C serums that have earned a reputation for their effectiveness in delivering a radiant and even-toned complexion. 1. Timeless Vitamin C+E Ferulic Acid Serum - Timeless Elegance for Your Skin Timeless Vitamin C+E Ferulic Acid Serum has garnered a cult following for its powerful combination of vitamin C, vitamin E, and ferulic acid. This trifecta of antioxidants works synergistically to protect the skin from environmental stressors while enhancing collagen production. The serum's lightweight texture absorbs quickly, leaving the skin with a radi

Beauty & Hair Treatments at-Home

 You can make your own hair and beauty treatments, and share them with your clients for the best results.

These are the best home pamper treatments for you and your clients.

Do you need some TLC in the coronavirus lockdown situation? Here are some simple hair and beauty treatments you can do at home as suggested by the best in the business providing salon services at home. These can be sent to your clients for a boost or to their hair. 

Body Scrub

After you have tried it yourself, this DIY pamper treatment is great to share with clients!

You can make many different body scrubs depending on what you have at home. Mix it up:

  1. 3 tablespoons coconut oil

  2. Half a cup brown sugar

  3. One quarter teaspoon vanilla extractha

Hand Massage to De-Stress

Relax and unwind with a relaxing massage. This aromatherapy shower is a great option. This is super simple: just add a few drops to a damp flannel, and then place it on the shower floor. The lovely aroma will be released by the steam of the shower. For a relaxing shower, try lavender or peppermint.

Eye Treatment

This DIY eye treatment will reduce puffiness and dark circles. Relax in your home by dimming the lights. Then, lie down for 10 minutes and have any one of these items gently placed over your eyes.

  1. Cucumber slices

  2. Chamomile teabags left to cool

  3. Cold potato slices

Diy Hair Treatment

Make your own hair masks to give your hair an extra boost. The recipes can be sent to customers along with tips and tricks for healthy hair so that they can pamper their hair before the next appointment.

Mix together if you have damaged or dry hair.

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 ripe banana, well-mashed

Apply to damp hair for 30 minutes. You can also use professional hair treatments at home with our extensive selection.

Steam Facial

First, wash your face thoroughly. Fill a bowl with some boiled water. Add a few drops essential oils. To trap the steam, place your face 18 inches from the bowl. Cover your head with a towel. It should take only a few minutes. Follow with a clay mask for the ultimate pampering.

Overnight Hand Therapy

Are you suffering from dry, cracked skin due to all that extra handwashing? This is an easy and quick overnight pamper tip that you and your clients will both love.

1. Wash your hands and dry them.

2. Use Vaseline to moisturize your skin

3. Place a clean sock on each of your hands and relax.

Last Words

Hopefully you got complete clarity about the best at home hair and beauty pamper treatments that you can try for the best results. If you are looking for experts to help you with beauty and hair treatment at home then you can get your appointment booked at Beautician and get all the assistance as per your convenience. Get your appointment with fixed now!


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